Monday, 18 November 2013

UK Wind Energy Boom 2012 - 2013

UK Wind Energy Boom 2012 - 2013

A new report suggests that UK offshore wind energy has risen by 79% over the last year!

Most of the increase is attributed to large off shore projects (turbines built out to sea), which is a first with land based turbines historically being more popular.

Planning permission for onshore turbines remains a major hurdle.

Facts and figures (2012 / 2013):

1.3 GW - Installed on shore capacity.

79 % increase in offshore capacity.

630 MW - Delivered by the London Array (Just 50 miles from the capital)

4.8 GW - Onshore wind awaiting development.

Visual Impact Assessment for Wind Turbines

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Pictures of a Bumble Bee

I found this bee dead on my desk, and so I popped it in my scanner. Results below:

Bumble Bee - Whole

Bumble Bee - Leg

Bumble Bee - Wing

Bumble Bee - Head
Flood Risk Assessment

Monday, 27 May 2013

SAPPER 9 Software Review

SAPPER 9 Software Review - Intro

SAPPER 9 is a BRE apporved software that allows users to input data from designed dwellings in oreder to deuce likly emmisions, and implement measures to reduce said emmisions. There are hundreds of variables to choose from, and the software is updated regulalry to make allowances for the ever changes regulatoru back drop.

SAPPER 9 Software Review - Apperance

Although apperance is not in the slightest way imporatnat I thought I would describe it anyway. The GUI is not very flashy, but it is clealry laid out and easy to use.

There are around 15 sub screens in to which users will enter data, covering building volume, window sizes, door sizes, energy systems, ventilation, building fabric, thermal mass . . . . . . 

SAPPER 9 Software Review - Reliability

Over the 3 years I have been using the software, I have only ever had one problem, and that was when I was carrying out a code for sustainable homes pre-assessment  , and the program failed to recognised combined carbon savings from CHP and Solar PV. 1 email to RUSFA and within 12 hours an update was released that works perfectly. What service!

SAPPER 9 Software Review - Applications

SAPPER 9 Software Review - Where to buy?


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Dealing with Mold

Dealing with Mold - Intro

The presence of mold in the home or work place can be worrying, and also it doesn't look very nice below is a step by step guide of how you might deal with it.

Deal with the root of the problem first.

Dealing with Mold - Damp

Mold and Mildew grows on damp surfaces, most bathrooms have mildew in them,  because they rarely get a chance to dry out.

It is important to eliminate damp if you wish to eliminate mold. Damp can come through the walls , up from the ground or from inside the house if it is humid and poorly ventilated.

Modern homes are very air tight, but unlike our European counter parts  we do not have adequate ventilation to remove moisture, an extractor fan in a bathroom will only pull as much air out of a steamy room as is allowed in. Think about the path of air in your home, where is air allowed in and out of the property. Air should follow a route away from living areas and out through damp areas. For very high levels of comfort you may consider a Mechanical Ventilation System with Heat Recovery (MVHR).

Once you have established a good flow of air through your house the the mold should gradually go away.

Dealing with Mold - Treatment with Fungicide

Treatment of the mold with a fungicide is the next step, to help it on its way.

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