Monday, 19 November 2018

Bad Effects of Festivals on the Environment

Bad Effects of Festivals on the Environment - Introduction

There are many festivals each year, most encourage consumption of stuff we don't need. Buying extra things, toys, beer, suitcase. . .that we can do without.

Bad Effects of Festivals on the Environment - Guy Fawkes Night

An interesting fact is that on November the 5th in the UK (Fireworks & Bonfires) it takes around 1 minute to release the amount of air borne pollutants you would get coming out of an modern large scale incinerator during a whole year.

Bad Effects of Festivals on the Environment - Christmas

Any festival that involves dressing up or buying toys (halloween or christmas) has a massive impact on the environment. Additional meat eating, single use costumes, tacky (virtually) single use toys. Unwanted gifts, needlessly upgraded technology.

Bad Effects of Festivals on the Environment - What can you Do?

Just buy less stuff. If you have to buy try and stick to things that will actually get used. Overeating for example is part of christmas I suppose, but try to buy food that can be frozen so it does not go to waste if not eaten.

With regards to gifts try to buy low impact gifts, that will be used. The worst thing would be a large bulky plastic gift with no practical use. 

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