Friday, 17 December 2021

Climate Change Offset & Obstacles - Notes



We know what the problem is, we know how big it is, and how to stop it. This includes companies and their directors. Looks at news . . . could it be any clearer. So why no rapid action?

'comparing financial incentives to environmental issues',

Carbon Offsetting

EU Benchmark Price 71 euros (£60).

Brazilian REDD+ $10 (£8).

Terrible Scheme such as capping of well, or CFC destruction. £2.

Example: Shop fitters. 138 tons (Scope 1 and 2) costs from £8200 to £250.

Farmers: 500 tons ha, = £7500 – less certification costs (subsidy for planting)


'how does ease of implementation encourage or discourage sustainable action?'

Word on knock-ons: Solar (easy): BUT roof replacement, structural engineer,

 'is there any structure to a report that can create a more persuasive argument?'

People will read a report or not read it. You should highlight cost savings ahead of carbon savings, or other benefits e.g. biodiversity gains. 


The problem is well defined, and measured.

The company’s main objective is to make profit.

Consider real world Practicalities

Gauge you client, are they a front runner (keen) or are they just following crowd, regulatory minima. You may need to adjust your MO, on that basis.

What will work.

Carbon Tax. £75 per tonne. Cheese 14kg / kg. 7.5p - £1.


What will get you voted out at SEO, failing to make a profit or failing to progress climate action.