Wednesday, 29 June 2022

The life and lies of Boris Johnson

Monday, 20 June 2022

Top 5 Environmental Movie Quotes

Top 5 Environmental Movie Quotes 

Below are my top 5 Environmental Movie Quotes: 

Number 1 - Donald - Interstellar 

"When I was a kid, it seemed like they made something new every day. Some, gadget or idea, like every day was Christmas. But six billion people, just imagine that. And every last one of them trying to have it all."

This for me is the single most thought provoking line, in any movie with regards to the Environment. The reason I found Donald's (pictured) line  so profound is that it points out the insanity of our current consumerist habits. We are being gaslighted in to thinking, that we need new stuff and it will make a us happy, and in following this false doctrine we are  destroying the planet. 

Number 2 - Scientist vs Politician - The Day After Tomorrow 

Vice President Becker: "Our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment. Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims." 

Jack Hall: "The last chunk of ice that broke off was about the size of the state of Rhode Island. Some people might call that pretty sensational.”

This brief exchange sums up the impasse that we have been at for year with regards to climate change. Polarised thinking, with no consideration of middle ground leaves scientists such as the character dennis quad (pictured) trying to justify facts, to politicians who often work in the realms of opinion.  That fact that our current course, of global capitalism, and corporate governance  is very unlikely to deliver the change we need, should be everyone's most pressing concern!

Number 3 - Freeman Lowel - Silent Running 

"There is no more beauty, and there's no more imagination. And there are no frontiers left to conquer"

 This quote is a bit depressing, but is it also realistic? We might consider hat we have conquered all frontiers here on earth. But this is not true. In quantum physics there are still a lot of discoveries and understanding to be made. 

But looking outward to the stars, and imagining (and they are just that) of us colonising other solar systems, the distances are so huge how will we get there? The distances are so massive, that just to accelerate a human body up to sensible speed (in order to make trip in sensible stasis period) would probably kill it. So many unknowns. And all the while we degrade and destroy our only habitable planet. 

Number 4 - Marco Lambertini - A Plastic Ocean

“Not only are plastics polluting our oceans and waterways and killing marine life – it's in all of us and we can't escape consuming plastics.”

In this documentary film, we see the breadth and depth of damage done by humanities reliance on plastics. It is not that plastics are a problem in themselves, but our mistreatment of them them after we have used them is a big problem.