Friday, 9 September 2022

Is going to the moon again a good use of resources?

Is going to the moon again a good use of resources?

Is going to the moon again a good use of resources? Should we spend the money on exploring options for the future? Spend it on cleaning our planet? The answer to all of these questions is yes. Whilst going to the moon improves our technology and gets us one step closer to sci-fi films becoming reality, are we really going to improve our technology enough to leave our ruined planet? We could use our resources to explore new planets, or we could use them to fix our home planet. Going to the moon is a good use of resources, yes. However could these resources be used on more useful things, also yes. We need to fix our planet or we will die a gruesome death and you will die and I will die and that guy next to you will die and that girl who is sitting outside on a bench will also die. 

Earth Rise - Perhaps the Most Valuable Thing from the Moon.

Realistically what are we going to gain by flying to the moon? Renewable energy sources? A solution for climate change? A fairy princess who will swoop down sand solve the planet that we messed up so majorly? The answer to these questions is no. As much as all humans fanaticise about easy solutions, reality is a lot harsher, there is no simple fix to what we’ve done and flying to the moon just because we can is not going to help solve anything. So in answer to the question from the beginning; Should we use our resources on flying to the moon again? We don’t know. No one knows. Maybe there is a fairy princess on the moon, maybe there is a renewable energy source, or maybe it will just be a colossal waste of resources and time.

Life Cycle Assessment for Amazon Climate Pledge

Should we Colonise Mars or Fix Earth?

Should we colonise mars or fix earth? 

I believe that we should do our best to fix earth as it is the planet we’ve been given and we shouldn’t try to run away from our problems. We would not be able to fix it completely but we can at least try. It’s our fault that we have to fix or leave earth and if we go to mars it will be inhospitable and we would just ruin that planet too. Even if we did move to mars it would be like that scene in Loki where the rich people are boarding a train to leave the planet as the moon is about to crash into it, and the poor are waiting in a cue yelling about their children, there would be no way to move the whole population and how would they decide who to move since they couldn’t? I believe that we should learn to adapt to the planet that we’ve been given, we should change as the planet changes. Otherwise the human population will not survive climate change. If the past generations had taken better care of the planet this wouldn’t be happening right now, if all humans had taken care of the planet then we wouldn’t have to think about questions like these. But we do. And since we might have to move to mars we should consider it as it may be our only option. Maybe two family’s will move to Mars to restart the population, probably Elon Musks and whoever else is wealthy enough to buy seats on the rocket or maybe by the time it has become necessary humans will have left earth because of advances in technology, like in Valerian: The city of a thousand planets. 

Home Sweet Home

No one knows the future! 

Maybe we will fix the planet, maybe we won’t, but either way we have to start doing something.I believe that we should do our best to fix earth as it is the planet we’ve been given and we shouldn’t try to run away from our problems. We would not be able to fix it completely but we can at least try. It’s our fault that we have to fix or leave earth and if we go to mars it will be inhospitable and we would just ruin that planet too. Even if we did move to mars it would be like that scene in Loki where the rich people are boarding a train to leave the planet as the moon is about to crash into it, and the poor are waiting in a cue yelling about their children, there would be no way to move the whole population and how would they decide who to move since they couldn’t? I believe that we should learn to adapt to the planet that we’ve been given, we should change as the planet changes. Otherwise the human population will not survive climate change. If the past generations had taken better care of the planet this wouldn’t be happening right now, if all humans had taken care of the planet then we wouldn’t have to think about questions like these. But we do. And since we might have to move to mars we should consider it as it may be our only option. Maybe two family’s will move to Mars to restart the population, probably Elon Musks and whoever else is wealthy enough to buy seats on the rocket or maybe by the time it has become necessary humans will have left earth because of advances in technology, like in Valerian: The city of a thousand planets. No one knows the future, maybe we will fix the planet, maybe we won’t, but either way we have to start doing something.

Written by "O" aged 14 

Life Cycle Assessment for Amazon Climate Pledge

5 Things that People Regularly Buy that they Don’t Need.

5 Things that People Regularly Buy that they Don’t Need

There are tons of things that we use everyday that we could avoid using. This will not only save us money, but also it is save the planet. Just stop buying things!

  • One thing that I have in my house usually is wet-wipes, these are really useful for cleaning windowsills and desks etc. but they are single use and bad for the environment, an alternative to using these, is a dish cloth which does the job the same way.
  • Another product which I use a lot is cotton pads, they are extremely useful for washing my our face and removing makeup but there is an alternative which works just as well and isn’t as bad for the environment; reusable cotton pads, they are like flannels but rounded and since I got some around last Christmas I have stopped using the single use cotton pads.
  • Another simple thing to go without is plastic bottles, as convenient as they may be when out and about, using a reusable water bottle is a lot better for the environment and some shops now have refilling stations for them. Similarly paper coffee cups can be avoided by taking a reusable cup with you.
  • Something which is surprisingly bad for the environment is tea bags, they are made out of plastic and using a teapot instead may take longer but is better for the planet. Some companies do make plastic free teabags as an alternative.
  • Something relatively simple to avoid is single use plastic bags, 300 million plastic bags every year end up in the Atlantic Ocean. It can be avoided very easily by using tote bags or any type of bag that is reusable to put shopping in.

So you see, here are five of the hundreds of things we can go without, maybe next time you’re out getting a coffee and you see a reusable cup available to buy, buy it, and you can use it, then use it again, then use it again.