Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Dulverton Hydro Power Plant - December 2015

Dulverton Hydro Power Plant

You may have noticed a little shack on the right as you go in to Dulverton from Tiverton Direction. This is a micro hydro power plant which works on the archimedes' screw principal.

Dulverton Hydro Power Plant - Photos

Dulverton Hydro power Plant - Video

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Tory Hatchet Job on Low Carbon Initiatives Continues

Tory Hatchet Job on Low Carbon Initiatives Continues

George Osborne and the party he represents continued their hatchet job on the UK low carbon economy yesterday with deep cuts revealed in key areas following the chancellors comprehensive spending review. The only logical explanation for this thorough and wide spread merge, must stem from fossil powered lobbying. The Conservatives are normally described as "the nasty party" but when it comes to the Low Carbon agenda, they are just plain weak.

Recent moves demonstrate the Tory's deep lack of understanding of climate change and the urgency required in dealing with carbon emissions. It also sends out a confusing message to the world community ahead of the Paris Climate Change Talks, with potential to inflict cumulative damages from lost confidence, which will resonate world wide.

  • DECC spending cut 22% over next five years
  • £1bn Prise for Carbon Capture and Storage Scraped 
  • Renewable Heat Incentive cut by 700 million
Osborne has also pledged to lower household bills by £30 a year. Energy saving measures are suggested, although it is likely these will be no more popular than the "Green Deal" which must be considered a failure. Presumably then the savings on Energy Bills will come from the continued subsidisation of coal fired power stations, whilst renewable energy subsides are slashed.

So we see the continued trend of the last few months as we the Tory bend over backwards to help big business maintain their strangled hold on the energy sector, whilst ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is on track to produce dangerous warming effects beyond the 2 degree rise many consider should be a maximum.

The mind boggles. How short sighted and ignorant can a government be. Very.

Where can I find evidence to support global warming?

Is Man-made Global Warming all a big Con?

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Bank of England Boss: "Catastrophic Climte Risks"

Bank of England Boss: "Catastrophic Climate Risks"

James Carney the Bank of Englands Boss has warned of catastrophic climate risks, and the need to protect the UK's economy from the cumulative impacts of climate change.

The Governor of the BoE raised these concerns during a London dinner event held for bankers. But his views are backed up with reporting carried out by the Bank of England.

He has warned that many of or top businesses are in "carbon rish" sectors and that the the required decarbonsitaion of the economy could lead to to a shift, with these corner stone businesses becoming less sucessful.

Investment is green tech needs to quadrupedal said Carnry, and that it could no longer afford to be considered a niche market.

Watch the video of the speech below.

Full details at Bank of England.

Environmental Consultants London

Thursday, 25 June 2015

List of Wiltshire Council Environmental Policies

List of Wiltshire Council Environmental Policies

Wiltshire's New Core Strategy is a bit of Mammoth at 380 pages. So to save you to the troubkle below is a none exhaustive lits of environment policies:

On a local level, the Wiltshire Core Strategy was adopted in January 2015. Relevant policies include:

  • Core Policy 52 – Green Infrastructure
  • Core Policy 55 – Air Quality
  • Core Policy 56 – Contaminated Land
  • Core Policy 57 – Ensure High Quality Design
  • Core Policy 68 – Water Resources
Saved Policies:

  • NE18 – Noise and Pollution
  • C 39  - Environmental Enhancement
Hope useful!

Environmental Consultants Bristol

Monday, 19 January 2015

Aermod Software Compared 2015

Aermod Software Compared 2015

Aermod is a Gaussian based dispersion model, and there are various bits of software that use it.

Order in ascending price below.

EPA - Aeromod (Free)

The basic program  is available for free from the EPA website.

This is pretty tricky stuff though, and you will need to be OK with working at command prompt to get on with this.

Beeline Software - BEEST ($1350 )

BEEST includes all the parts you need for an AERMOD, ISCST3 and ISC-Prime analysis.

It has a GUI, and so input of data is far easier than the command prompt EPA version.

 Breeze Aermod  - ($1495)

AERMOD is a steady-state Gaussian dispersion model that represents the current state-of-science and promulgated dispersion model from the U.S. EPA. BREEZE AERMOD is an enhanced version of the EPA-approved AERMOD that provides modelers with the tools and functionality required to perform air quality analyses and that help to address both permitting, regulatory, and nuisance issues as well as perform academic research. BREEZE AERMOD/ISC offers the most complete air quality modeling system available on the market today. No other application is used by more air quality professionals around the world.Odour Management Plan

AERMOD is a steady-state Gaussian dispersion model that represents the current state-of-science and promulgated dispersion model from the U.S. EPA. BREEZE AERMOD is an enhanced version of the EPA-approved AERMOD that provides modelers with the tools and functionality required to perform air quality analyses that help to address both permitting, regulatory, and nuisance issues as well as perform academic research. BREEZE AERMOD/ISC offers the most complete air quality modeling system available on the market today. No other application is used by more air quality professionals around the world

Friday, 9 January 2015

Sample Frequency for WAC Testing

Sample Frequency for WAC Testing

Took forever to look this up so please find below handy table for working out how many samples you need to take per ton when taking samples for WAC Testing. WAC or Waste Acceptance Criteria are the levels of contamination found in waste relevant to the type of disposal facility it would have to go to, inert, general or hazardous.

Sample Frequency for WAC Testing