Tory Hatchet Job on Low Carbon Initiatives Continues
George Osborne and the party he represents continued their hatchet job on the UK low carbon economy yesterday with deep cuts revealed in key areas following the chancellors comprehensive spending review. The only logical explanation for this thorough and wide spread merge, must stem from fossil powered lobbying. The Conservatives are normally described as "the nasty party" but when it comes to the Low Carbon agenda, they are just plain weak.
Recent moves demonstrate the Tory's deep lack of understanding of climate change and the urgency required in dealing with carbon emissions. It also sends out a confusing message to the world community ahead of the Paris Climate Change Talks, with potential to inflict cumulative damages from lost confidence, which will resonate world wide.
- DECC spending cut 22% over next five years
- £1bn Prise for Carbon Capture and Storage Scraped
- Renewable Heat Incentive cut by 700 million
So we see the continued trend of the last few months as we the Tory bend over backwards to help big business maintain their strangled hold on the energy sector, whilst ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is on track to produce dangerous warming effects beyond the 2 degree rise many consider should be a maximum.
The mind boggles. How short sighted and ignorant can a government be. Very.
Where can I find evidence to support global warming?
Is Man-made Global Warming all a big Con?