Monday, 12 December 2016

Set-Up Windows 7 Pro Host for Multi Monitor RDP / MSTSC

Set-Up Windows 7 Pro Host for Multi Monitor RDP / MSTSC

This was connecting FROM a windows XP SP3 Laptop TO a Windows 7 Pro Desktop.

I was using an additional monitor n the lap top.

The main break through is using RDP Wrap, and piece of software that does something to allow use of multi monitor support on WIndows 7 Pro.

It Works!

Just download this and intall this on client computer.

RDPInst.exe and then Install.bat.

Then make sure you have rdp 7 or above on your XP machine, and check the box that says "use all my monitors in the display tab of the RDP program.

Microsoft have removed the patch for upgrading XP, so here is is here.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Carbon Footprint of Cycling per Mile

Carbon Footprint of Cycling per Mile - Intro

Many basic graphs that compare cycling with other modes of transport rate cycling as "zero" impact.

This is fine as like walking cycling is one of the lowest carbon forms of transport available. However, when we consider the fuel that the cyclist uses i.e. the food they eat in order to gain the calories burnt in cycling does this change anything?

Carbon Footprint of Cycling per Mile - grams of CO2 per mile for a Car

Our benchmark for our CO2 per mile will be that described in "The Ecologist" of 168g/CO2/mile, for a car. 

Carbon Footprint of Cycling per Mile - grams of CO2 per mile for a Bicycle

Now consider the calories burnt cycling 1 mile on a Bicycle, this varies base don the speed and the weight of the rider, but a conservative figure might be 50 calories per mile. How does the cyclist get those calories . . . ?

Eating meat, is carbon intensive. . . a meat rich diet creates over double the CO2 footprint of a vegan diet. 

So if we we were to cycle 1 mile on a vegan diet, vegetarian or "all in" dirt we would create different emissions. 

gCO2 per mile by Diet 

So if we then apply our 50 calorie per mile number to the CO2 per calorie we get:

CO2 per mile by diet - Bicycle

Remember a mile in a car creates 168 gCO2, from burning fossil fuels.

Carbon Footprint of Cycling per Mile - Making a Comparison

Now the average person burns 68 calories per hour whilst sitting. On a single carriage way the driver of a car will burn 1.4 calories per mile. So we can add this CO2 burden to that produced by the fuel. Sp if we add in the metabolic co2 impacts we get. 

CO2 per mile by diet - Car

Carbon Footprint of Cycling per Mile - Conclusion

Cycling would appear to only save carbon if you eat a low meat diet. Please note this post is restricted to operational impacts only, and does not consider manufacturing impacts or infrastructure impacts. 

The Psychology of EBikes

The Psychology of EBikes

For the cyclist who is less fit, aging or wants to haul heavy loads and  EBike is an obvious choice. It will do some of the work for you whilst enabling you to do what needs to be done. Alternatively you may be opting for an EBike becuase you wish to use you car less. Each situation produces a certain set of considerations in terms of  how we may think about the Ebike.

Do you get the same buzz from riding an EBike that you do, when riding a normal bicycle?
Is an EBike better for the Environment?

stick mn (or person) looking at a choice between an ebike and a normal bike

The answers to these questions and therefore how you feel about the switch will depend on whether you are considering an Ebike as an alternative to a car or or bicycle  . . . or perhaps some other form of transport.

As an alternative to a Bicycle

Sense of Achievement

When returning from a 10, 15 , 20 mile ride on a normal bike you think:

"Wow I got all that way under my own steam. . . well done me"

When you do the same (or further on an EBike) how much have you achieved? In terms of effort certainly less, and therefore should you take less satisfaction from the journey?

Chill Out Time

Riding a normal bike is a very organic experience, and it is quiet too. This is relaxing.  Perhaps you will not feel the same after listening to the whine of an electric motor for 1/2 an hour.

An EBike ride is still a lot more  relaxing and invigorating than driving car, but isn't an EBike just a slow motor bike?


I can cycle 15 miles on a pizza. However the fuel for my EBike is rather more complicated. I need to charge it up. . .where does this electricity come from. In nearly all countries around the world, some of the electricity will be provided by fossil fuels, the burning of which contribute to climate change. In france for example charging my bike will create 5 times less CO2 than in the UK.

A green electricity tariff will help lower these impacts and promote new renewable energy infrastructure.

There is also the impact of manufacturing the bike. There are few electrical components in a normal bike, whilst there are printed circuit boards, copper wire, and solder contained used in the manufacture of an EBike.

As an alternative to a Car

Sense of Achievement

You get a higher sense of achievement from making a journey on an EBike than you do than using a car. After all being out in the elements on a bike (Ebike or normal bike) is still more of an adventure than if you went in your metal box on wheels (car).

Chill Out Time

This depends greatly on your attitude, if you choose to follow a direct busy route, travelling mixed with speeding cars, then you will be worse off then if you drive.

The key here is to accept the fact that an EBike takes a long time to get anywhere, and plan to take an indirect quiet route on minor roads. This way you will get some chill out time.


Unless you car is electric, then this is where an EBike will win hands down. A bike creates a lot less environmental impact in its manufacture then a car, and charging uses between 20% and 100% renewable energy depending on your source.

For a 1 mile trip your carbon footprint for fuel would be:

graph showing carbon footprint of 1 mile trips in car, bike and ebike depending on the diet of the cyclist the ebike is sometimes the best option
Carbon Footprint - Car vs Bike vs Ebike
However, how you fuel your body make a big difference. For example a Vegan driving a small efficient car will produce less CO2 per mile, than a meat eating cyclist. 


The benefits from moving away from a car to an EBike are plain to see. You should feel awesome. 

Whilst you get less exercise, and create slightly more environmental impact riding an ebike as opposed to a bicycle, don'y worry too much the differences are marginal.

Staying chilled out whichever route you are on depends on your attitude. 

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Text Only List of Canadian States

Text Only List of Canadian States 

Found it hard to find an easy list to copy without any formatting:

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Environmental Consultants Toronto